意外と知られていませんが、志ろきやからスキージャム勝山までは車で17分と交通至便。ジャム勝でウィンタースポーツを満喫したら、勝山市街の貸切宿で湯ったりのんびりが賢い選択! 夕食は志ろきやでズワイ蟹を堪能、市街のグルメ探索もオススメです。夕食後は志ろきや自慢の樹齢200年超木曽檜のお風呂「冠雪」をお楽しみください。
The largest snow resort in western Japan is called “JamKatsu”! This season’s snowfall is perfect.
Surprisingly, it is only a 17-minute drive from Shirokiya to Ski Jam Katsuyama. After enjoying winter sports at JamKatsu, it is a wise choice to relax in a private lodge in downtown Katsuyama! We recommend that you enjoy Zuwai-crab for dinner at Shirokiya or explore the city’s gourmet cuisine. After dinner, enjoy the “Kansetsu” bath made of 200-year-old Kiso cypress, Shirokiya’s pride and joy.
↓This video is fun!↓